A way to build your network marketing business on the Internet.
Network marketing online? Who would of thought? Certainly not me!
It wasn't that long ago that these haunting words were leaked into my ear, "The only proven way to build a business is through your warm market!"
I remember I took a deep breathe as my mind raced back and forth as my upline said those words to me.
What did I ask my upline that produced such drivel? Hold on to your hats fellas…I asked him what kind of leads I should get! Uggg!
You see I didn't know about any online network marketing system back then. The only network marketing Internet systems I knew about were buying leads on the Internet.
I even had uplines infer that buying leads on the Internet is the same as building your business on the Internet. It's not.
Buying leads on the Internet is not the same as building your business on the Internet. Anyone that tells you it is trying to do a "play on words" at your expense.
Back when that upline told me there was no other way to build a business outside of bugging your warm market, I felt a sense of doom, a feeling of now what do I do?...a feeling of "I wish you had told me that before I signed up!" .
But I knew deep down inside there was another way. There had to have been because at the very least people were using leads to build their business. So there were other ways out there to build a business. He was plain outright wrong.
Fast forward a couple of years and here I am today. I know now there are network marketing Internet systems because people like Daegan Smith, Mike Dillard, Joe Schroeder and now Ann Sieg have used them-successfully.
When I say system, I mean a way to systematically get prospects to pay you for information before they ever join your business, if they ever decide to. I look at it this way: if people decide to join your business then that is gravy money on top of the money they spent to get educated information and training from you. That is a network marketing Internet system.
Some people call it a funded proposal, I call it good old business sense. It seems people lose their common sense and business sense when they join up with these network marketing companies. That's why so many people talk so bad about the industry. They are given inadequate information, training, and marketing techniques and they plum-outright fail!
The best way to build a network marketing business is to use the Internet. Especially if you are a busy person. You don't have the time to go to meetings and do presentations. However, that doesn't mean you can't use a mixture of other marketing methods-you should.
The best network marketing Internet system that I've found that is specifically for Internet network marketing is this Mlm Lead System Pro.
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